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2023-11-24 | 作者:科技处 | 【 】【打印】【关闭





  1. 具备博士学位或中级以上职称; 

  2. 开放课题申请人需为地质地球所、剑桥大学及利兹大学地学领域研究人员(非所内申请人需有1位所内合作者),原则上每人只能承担1项在研开放课题。 












Notice: Centralized Acceptance of Open Project Applications by Sino-UK Joint Center for Earth and Planetary Sciences

Date: November 24, 2023

Dear Researchers,

Subject: Guidelines for Open Research Project Applications

In accordance with the requirements outlined in the "Administrative Measures for the Open Project of the Sino-UK Joint Center for Earth & Planetary Sciences," we are pleased to announce the establishment of open projects at the Sino-UK Center. These projects aim to encourage researchers in the field of Earth Sciences from the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, University of Cambridge, and University of Leeds to collaborate and conduct research work at our center.

We would like to provide you with the following information regarding the application process for these projects:

I. Research Direction: Priority will be given to projects that align with the positioning of the Sino-UK Center and demonstrate innovative and exploratory significance.

II. Eligibility:

1. Applicants must hold a doctoral degree or an intermediate professional title.

2. Applicants for open projects should be researchers from the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, University of Cambridge, and University of Leeds in the field of Earth Sciences. For applicants from outside the Institute of Geology and Geophysics must have at least one collaborator from the Institute. In principle, each individual can only undertake one ongoing open research project.

III. Application Process: Project applicants can submit their applications throughout the year. The deadline for centralized acceptance of application submissions for this round is December 31, 2023. The center will organize expert reviews of the applications in early January 2024 and decide whether to approve the projects based on the review opinions. Please send your application to the following email address: kejichu@mail.iggcas.ac.cn.

IV. Important Notes: Applicants are advised to carefully read the "Administrative Measures for the Open Project of the Sino-UK Joint Center for Earth & Planetary Sciences" and comply with the relevant regulations of the Sino-UK Center. It is essential to strictly adhere to the budget and schedule, as no extensions will be allowed.

We welcome all eligible researchers to take advantage of this opportunity to contribute to the advancement of Earth and Planetary Sciences through collaborative research.

For any inquiries or further information, please feel free to contact us at the following phone numbers or email address:

Contact Phone: 010-82998271/8325

Contact Email: kejichu@mail.iggcas.ac.cn



Sino-UK Joint Center for Earth and Planetary Sciences

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