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【8.20-23】2022 INQUA LoessFest
2022-08-16 | 作者:新生代 | 【 】【打印】【关闭
2022 INQUA LoessFest, 20-23 August, ZOOM ID: 851 209 7540 (password sent to participants)
20thAugust, 2022
Chairperson: Shiling Yang
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
15:35-15:45 7:35-7:45 Welcome Remarks 

Shiling Yang, Conference organizer, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Thijs van Kolfschoten, INQUA President, Leiden University

15:45-16:10 7:45-8:10 An Zhisheng(Keynote Speaker) Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese loess: A key record of global changes
16:10-16:35 8:10-8:35 Fahu Chen(Keynote Speaker) Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences Loess deposits in central Asia and their paleoclimatic implications
16:35-16:45 8:35-8:45 Break
Chairperson: Huayu Lu
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
16:45-17:00 8:45-9:00 Xiaoping Yang Zhejiang University Geomorphological, sedimentological and geochemical evidence for the provenances of aeolian sands in the sand seas and sandy lands of northern China
17:00-17:15 9:00-9:15 Zdzisław Jary University of Wrocław Last Glacial sudden climate changes recorded in periglacial loess of Poland and western part of Ukraine
17:15-17:30 9:15-9:30 Xiuming Liu Fujian Normal University Geological features of Quaternary loess and its significances
17:30-17:45 9:30-9:45 Thomas Stevens Uppsala University Loess deposits in central Sweden
17:45-18:00 9:45-10:00 Zhiwei Xu Nanjing University Present-day dust emission from northern China associated with climate change and land-use management
18:00-19:30 10:00-11:30 Break
Chairperson: Zdzisław Jary
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
19:30-19:45 11:30-11:45 Chaofeng Fu Chang'an University Late Miocene East Asian Summer Monsoon change recorded by Aeolian deposits of Jianzha Basin in the Northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
19:45-20:00 11:45-12:00 Olga Meshcheriakova Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth Rock-magnetic properties of Late Quaternary loess-paleosol sequence of Tajikistan (Khonako-II section)
20:00-20:15 12:00-12:15 Guoqiang Li Lanzhou University The high-resolution luminescence chronology of loess-paleosol records from central-Eastern Asia revealed differential ice volume and orbital modulation of Quaternary moisture patterns between Central and East Asia
20:15-20:30 12:15-12:30 Sándor Gulyás University of Szeged Multimillenial paleoenvironmental, temperature variations and aeolian dynamics of the past 1 My inferred from a multiproxy study of the thickest, best resolved independently dated loess/paleosol record from SW Hungary
20:30-20:45 12:30-12:45 Haichao Xie Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences The Climate and Environment Changes in the Northeastern Iran Recorded by Loess-paleosol during the Last Interglacial
20:45-20:55 12:45-12:55 Break
Chairperson: Thomas Stevens
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
20:55-21:10 12:55-13:10 Qiang Wang Zhejiang Normal University Holocene moisture variations in western arid central Asia inferred from loess records from NE Iran
21:10-21:25 13:10-13:25 Natalia Taratunina Lomonosov Moscow State University Late Pleistocene cryogenesis of the Lower Volga loess-paleosol sequences: structure and chronology
21:25-21:40 13:25-13:40 Yaowu Hu Fudan University Loess and Civilization: Integrated Archaeological Evidence to Reveal the Interplay of Millet Agriculture with Chinese Civilization in the Loess Areas
21:40-21:55 13:40-13:55 Jia Jia Zhejiang Normal University Temperature dependence of pedogenic magnetic mineral formation in loess deposits
21:55-22:10 13:55-14:10 Olga Tokareva Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences Late Quaternary pedogenesis in loess-paleosol sequence of Obi-Mazar (Tajikistan)
22:10-22:20 14:10-14:20 Break
Chairperson: Natalia Taratunina Poster Session I
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
22:20-22:26 14:20-14:26 Qingzhen Hao Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Clay mineralogy of the Stari Slankamen (Serbia) loess-paleosol sequence during the last glacial cycle —Implications for dust provenance and interglacial climate
22:26-22:32 14:26-14:32 Shuangwen Yi Nanjing University Sea-level changes constrained by coastal loess accumulations in northern China over the past 200 ka
22:32-22:38 14:32-14:38 Svetlana Timireva Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences Reconstruction of the stages of loess sedimentation and paleosol development in the Pekla section (Taman peninsula, Russia)
22:38-22:44 14:38-14:44 Yury Kononov Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences New data on the structure of the loess-paleosol series of the middle Kuban river valley
22:44-22:50 14:44-14:50 Yongda Wang Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Provenance and paleoclimatic implications of loess deposits in Shandong Province, eastern China
22:50-22:56 14:50-14:56 Shiyu Shao China University of Geosciences, Wuhan A simulation study on the interdecadal variation of summer precipitation in North China in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties
22:56-23:02 14:56-15:02 Qida Jiang Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Modern sand supply of the Tengger Desert and temporal variations in sand provenance driven by northern Hemisphere glaciation
23:02-23:08 15:02-15:08 Zhi Liu Baoji University of Arts and Sciences Comparative analysis of the magnetism between Chinese and Serbian loess deposits
23:08-23:14 15:08-15:14 Ju’e Tian Chang’an University Reflectance spectra of Late Miocene Sediments from the Jianzha Basin in Northeastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau and their Paleoclimatic Significance
23:14-23:20 15:14-15:20 Zuzanna Kabacińska Babes-Bolyai University Revisiting natural and laboratory electron spin resonance (ESR) dose response curves of quartz from Chinese loess
23:20-23:26 15:20-15:26 Daniela Constantin Babes-Bolyai University An empirical study on the variability of luminescence ages for coeval loess samples


21stAugust, 2022
Chairperson: Gaojun Li
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
15:55-16:10 7:55-8:10 Junsheng Nie Lanzhou University Spatial and temporal provenance variations of the Chinese Loess Plateau over the late Miocene to early Pleistocene: a window into the reorganization of the Yellow River and monsoon activity
16:10-16:25 8:10-8:25 Yibo Yang Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences Cenozoic Asian dust provenance changes linked to the Tibetan Plateau uplift
16:25-16:40 8:25-8:40 Hanzhi Zhang Nanjing Univeristy Large-number detrital zircon U-Pb ages reveal global cooling caused formation of Chinese Loess Plateau during Late Miocene
16:40-16:50 8:40-8:50 Break
Chairperson: Junsheng Nie 
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
16:50-17:05 8:50-9:05 Haobo Zhang Lanzhou University Spatially variable provenance of the Chinese Loess Plateau
17:05-17:20 9:05-9:20 Katja Bohm University of Helsinki Global climate change and East Asian dust sources: combined rutile geochemistry and zircon U-Pb analysis from Baode, Chinese Loess Plateau
17:20-17:35 9:20-9:35 Jing He Nanjing University Glacial-interglacial alternations:Provenance changes of Mangshan loess indicated by detrital zircon U-Pb age
17:35-17:50 9:35-9:50 Fan Lv Nanjing University Mineral assemblages in Chinese loess deposits: Implications for past regional weathering intensity
17:50-18:05 9:50-10:05 Jishuai Yang Lanzhou University Sustainable intensification of millet-pig agriculture in Neolithic North China
18:05-19:30 10:05-11:30 Break
Chairperson: Kaja Fenn
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
19:30-19:45 11:30-11:45 Xin Wang Lanzhou University A new proxy index for wet-dry seasonality of paleoclimate using the range ofδ18O within single shell of land snails
19:45-20:00 11:45-12:00 Shengqian Chen Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences Holocene dust storm variations over northern China: transition from a natural forcing to an anthropogenic forcing
20:00-20:15 12:00-12:15 Ekaterina Kulakova Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS On the problem of position of the Matuyama-Brunhes transition in the loess-paleosol series of Tajikistan
20:15-20:30 12:15-12:30 Xinxia Li China University of Geosciences, Wuhan Atlantic meridional overturning circulation modulation of late Pleistocene to middle Holocene Asian summer monsoon variability and palaeoanthropological implications
20:30-20:45 12:30-12:45 Zisha Wang Northwest Institute of Ecology and Environmental ResourcesChinese Academy of Sciences Microcharcoals witness the Holocene vegetation history across the Loess Plateau and its implications on the plant management
20:45-20:55 12:45-12:55 Break
Chairperson:Randall Schaetzl
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
20:55-21:20 12:55-13:20 Majie Fan

(Keynote Speaker)

University of Texas Arlington Nature and causes of the mid-Cenozoic loess in the western USA
21:20-21:35 13:20-13:35 Jiawei Da Nanjing University Reconstructing Pleistocene atmosphericCO2levels using paleosols from the Chinese Loess Plateau
21:35-21:50 13:35-13:50 Zhe Wang Nanjing University Evaluation of dichromate oxidation method for extracting black carbon from loess deposits
21:50-22:05 13:50-14:05 Wenjie Yuan Beijing Normal University Aeolian-fluvial interaction sequence indicates landforms process in the Paiku Co basin, central Himalayas
22:05-22:15 14:05-14:15 Break
Chairperson: Xin Wang Poster Session II
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
22:15-22:21 14:15-14:21 Randall Schaetzl Michigan State University Mapping the Loess Cover of Wisconsin (USA) provides insight into loess depositional and re-depositional systems, post-MIS 2
22:21-22:27 14:21-14:27 Chunxia Zhang Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Clay mineralogical and geochemical record from a loess-soil sequence in Chinese Loess Plateau during the past 880 ka and the implication on the East Asian Summer Monsoon
22:27-22:33 14:27-14:33 Shujian Xu Linyi University Size-dependent geochemical characteristics of loess sequence from the Central Shandong Mountainous region: Implications for the provenance of eolian deposits in China
22:33-22:39 14:33-14:39 Hao Lu Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Insolation andCO2impacts on the spatial differences of the MIS-9 and MIS-11 climate between monsoonal China and central Asia
22:39-22:45 14:39-14:45 Yunkun Shi Qinghai Normal University Environmental implications of magnetic susceptibility varied with different altitudes in aeolian loess from the Qinghai Lake area
22:45-22:51 14:45-14:51 Yue Li Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences Late Pleistocene dynamics of dust emissions related to Westerlies in northern Central Asia: New insights from quantifying loess provenance in the North Tian Shan
22:51-22:57 14:51-14:57 Wubiao Li Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Holocene variations of hydroclimate and dust activity as recorded in lake sediments in the northern margin of East Asian summer monsoon
22:57-23:03 14:57-15:03 Lily Pfeifer University of Oklahoma Paleo-Loess from the Late Paleozoic of Eastern Equatorial Pangaea
23:03-23:09 15:03-15:09 Wenxiao Ning Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy Sciences A Combined Rock Magnetic and Meteorological Investigation of the Precipitation Boundary Across the Tibetan Plateau


22ndAugust, 2022
Chairperson:Qingzhen Hao
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
15:30-15:55 7:30-7:55 Weijian Zhou

(Keynote Speaker)

Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences Geomagnetic tracing studies using Chinese loess10Be
15:55-16:10 7:55-8:10 Leibin Wang Guangzhou University Effect of plant roots on radiocarbon dating results in arid central Asia
16:10-16:25 8:10-8:25 Xiaoxu Wang Beijing Normal University OSL Chronology of Tora River’s Aeolian Profile in the Qaidam Basin, China
16:25-16:40 8:25-8:40 Redzhep Kurbanov Lomonosov Moscow State University Using luminescence dating for identifying hiatuses in the loess-paleosol series of Russia
16:40-16:50 8:40-8:50 Break
Chairperson:Aditi Krishna Dave
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
16:50-17:05 8:50-9:05 Gang Hu Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration Luminescence dating of Malan loess in the Sanmen Gorge: implications for sedimentation rate changes across the Chinese Loess Plateau
17:05-17:20 9:05-9:20 Yao Gu Nanjing University Radiocarbon dating of small snail shells in loess-paleosol sequence at Mangshan, central China
17:20-17:35 9:20-9:35 Le Li Nanjing University Developing the uranium comminution age and its applications in aeolian system
17:35-17:50 9:35-9:50 Hema Achyuthan Anna University Pedogenesis and paleoclimate significance of Late Quaternary loess in Kashmir Valley: Evidence from stratigraphy, chronology and geochemistry
17:50-18:05 9:50-10:05 Shihao Zhang Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Wind-blown origin and erodibility of the black soil in Northeast China: evidence from particle size characteristics
18:05-19:30 10:05-11:30 Break
Chairperson: Zihua Tang
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
19:30-19:45 11:30-11:45 Yiming Yang University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Herding revolution in the Loess plateau 
19:45-20:00 11:45-12:00 Shijie Zhao University of Science and Technology of China Study of the origins of sacrificial victims from the Yinxu Royal Tomb using dietary isoscapes
20:00-20:15 12:00-12:15 Jiao Li Northwest University, China Isotopic Analysis on Bone Artefacts of Bone Workshop during the Qin Dynasty in Niejiagou, Xianyang, China
20:15-20:30 12:15-12:30 Péter Cseh University of Szeged Kurgans – a special burial site in the loessy region of the Carpathian Basin
20:30-20:45 12:30-12:45 Lanying Shi Hebei Normal University Excavation at Jhang Bahatar, Pakistan
20:45-20:55 12:45-12:55 Break
Chairperson: Zhiwei Xu 
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
20:55-21:20 12:55-13:20 Gerilyn S. Soreghan

(Keynote Speaker)

University of Oklahoma Loess and Dust in Permian Pangaea
21:20-21:35 13:20-13:35 Chengcheng Ye Shanghai Normal University Application of new indices of clay minerals in tracing the chemical weathering history of the Loess Plateau in the Late Miocene
21:35-21:50 13:35-13:50 Xinbo Gao Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Uplift of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau leads to the extreme desertification in East Asia around 0.9 Ma
21:50-22:05 13:50-14:05 Zihua Tang Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Livestock supply to an imperial sacrificial site of the Early Chinese Empires evidenced by strontium isotope ratios
22:05-22:15 14:05-14:15 Break
Chairperson: Lily Pfeifer Poster Session III
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
22:15-22:21 14:15-14:21 Xuelian Guo Lanzhou University Paleosols in Upper Devonian red-beds from northwest China and their paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental characteristics
22:21-22:27 14:21-14:27 Sándor Gulyás University of Szeged Endemic evolution and Ice age refugia in a thermal lake at the fringe of a loessy landscape during the Late Glacial and the Holocene
22:27-22:33 14:27-14:33 Jie Chen South China Normal University Late Quaternary wind erosion of Chinese loess and proximal desert evolution recorded by the accumulation of aeolian deposits on the southeastern margin of the Mu Us dune field
22:33-22:39 14:33-14:39 Yue Du Beijing Normal University Holocene biological remains and their environmental significance in the eastern sandy land of Qinghai Lake
22:39-22:45 14:39-14:45 Shengli Yang Lanzhou University Environmental changes in the eastern Tibetan Plateau since the last interglacial recorded from the Ganzi loess sequence
22:45-22:51 14:45-14:51 Hongxuan Lu Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences 800-kyr land temperature variations modulated by vegetation changes on Chinese Loess Plateau
22:51-22:57 14:51-14:57 Yanping Sun Taishan University  Dust accumulation process determined via grain size end-member modelling of Xifeng loess over the last interglacial on the Chinese Loess Plateau
22:57-23:03 14:57-15:03 Tianxiao Wang Lanzhou University Holocene temperature variations recorded by the loess-paleosoil sequence from the Ganjia Basin in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau
23:03-23:09 15:03-15:09 Mingliang Zhou Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Magnetic enhancement mechanism of loess-soil sequence at Qin’an during Middle Miocene and it’s paleoclimate significance
23:09-23:15 15:09-15:15 Anton Anoykin Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography RAS Loess archaeological sites of Final Middle Palaeolithic in the Rubas valley (North-Eastern Caucasus): stratigraphy, chronology and archaeology


23rdAugust, 2022
Chairperson: Shengwen Qi 
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
15:30-15:55 7:30-7:55 Slobodan Markoví

(Keynote Speaker)

University of Novi Sad Synchronicity between IRD events in Northern Atlantic and grain size variations of the Serbian loess during the last million years
15:55-16:10 7:55-8:10 Zhiqing Li Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Microstructural insight into the characteristics and mechanisms of compaction of an intact, compacted and remolded loess for land-creation project from the Loess Plateau
16:10-16:25 8:10-8:25 Zhuolong Jia Chang’ an University Study on the improvement of guar gum on the anti-erosion properties and soil-water retention capacity of fiber-reinforced loess
16:25-16:40 8:25-8:40 Xiaokun Hou Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Water migration characteristics in thick compacted loess due to mega engineering projects
16:40-16:50 8:40-8:50 Break
Chairperson: Pierre Antoine
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
16:50-17:05 8:50-9:05 Lina Ma Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Investigation on the deformation and failure patterns of loess cut slope based on the unsaturated triaxial test in Yan'an, China
17:05-17:20 9:05-9:20 Yaguo Zhang Chang'an University Settlement prediction of filling compacted loess soil subjected water infiltration
17:20-17:35 9:20-9:35 Ziran Zhang Chang'an University Coupled Hydro–mechanical Behavior of Compacted Loess during Isotropic Compression
17:35-17:50 9:35-9:50 Han Bao Chang'an University Time-dependency deterioration of two ecological materials in loess cut-slope protecting
17:50-18:05 9:50-10:05 Evgeny Konstantinov Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Science Late Quaternary loess in the Ciscaucasia (South of Russia): distribution, composition, and source of mineral dust
18:05-19:30 10:05-11:30 Break
Chairperson: Zhongshi Zhang
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
19:30-19:55 11:30-11:55 Thomas Stevens

(Keynote Speaker)

Uppsala University Neogene-Quaternary loess sources of Eurasia
19:55-20:10 11:55-12:10 Hong Ao Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences Orbital and millennial Asian monsoon variations across Northern Hemisphere glaciation
20:10-20:25 12:10-12:25 László Makó University of Szeged  Pécel: a special Middle and Late Pleistocene loess profile from the Northern part of the Carpathian Basin
20:25-20:40 12:25-12:40 Haozhong Xue Institue of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Acadamy of Sciences Correlation and discussion of Chinese loess stacked records based on nonlinear time series analysis
20:40-20:55 12:40-12:55 Dongxue Chen Beijing Normal University Holocene prehistoric human activities recorded by palynology in the Mu Us Desert, China
20:55-21:10 12:55-13:10 Jian Kang Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences Critical altitudinal shift from detrital to pedogenic origin of the magnetic properties of surface soils in the western Pamir Plateau, Tajikistan
21:10-21:20 13:10-13:20 Break
Chairperson: Sándor Gulyás Poster Session IV
China Time GMT Presenter Affiliation Title
21:20-21:26 13:20-13:26 Ruoxiao Gu China University of Geosciences, Wuhan Statistical analysis of tropical-cyclone-induced remote precipitation in Henan Province, China during 1961 and 2015
21:26-21:32 13:26-13:32 Peng Jia Chang'an University Leachate lithium content records paleoclimate change during the last glacial-interglacial cycle on the Loess Plateau of China
21:32-21:38 13:32-13:38 Tianao Xu China University of Geosciences, Wuhan ENSO events during the LIG period under the background of sea level rise
21:38-21:44 13:38-13:44 Ning Liu Taishan University High-resolution optically stimulated luminescence ages of monsoon records over the last glacial-interglacial cycles from the loess of the Chinese Loess Plateau
21:44-21:50 13:44-13:50 Zixuan Chen Lanzhou University HIRM variation in the Ganzi loess of the eastern Tibetan Plateau since the last interglacial period and its paleotemperature implications for the source region
21:50-21:56 13:50-13:56 Li Liu Lanzhou university Chronology and dust mass accumulation history of the Wenchuan loess on eastern Tibetan Plateau since the last glacial
Chairperson: Shiling Yang
21:56-22:30 13:56-14:30 Closing Remarks

Zhengtang Guo, Conference President, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 
Zdzisław Jary, University of Wrocław

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