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2012-08-20 | 作者:教育处 | 【 】【打印】【关闭

应岩石圈演化研究室储雪蕾研究员的邀请,中科院外籍特聘研究员美国California, Riverside大学Timothy W. Lyons教授将于2012年9月3-7日在综合楼422会议室开设研究生专业课程讲座(相当于博士学位专业,2学分),请选课的同学于8月29日前发送邮件至tsli@mail.iggcas.ac.cn,邮件内容包括:姓名、常用邮箱地址、常用联系电话。


Using Geochemical Proxies to Understand Biogeochemical Cycles Through Time: The Methods and Their Applications to the Precambrian and Phanerozoic

Timothy W. Lyons
  Professor of Biogeochemistry
  Department of Earth Sciences
University of California, Riverside

Class dates: Sept. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Class time: 14:00-16:30 (including 20 minute break)
Class room:Meeting Room 422

This workshop will explore the history of oxygen in the ocean and atmosphere and its co-evolution with life. The emphasis will be on traditional and novel elemental and isotopic methods used in this exploration. Discussions will include a mechanistic understanding of the proxies (how they work and how to use them), including related work in the modern ocean, and detailed records from the Precambrian and Phanerozoic and their implications (what they tell us).

Class structure: Lyons will present four extended lectures over the first four days of class. PowerPoint presentations will be distributed before each class. Lyons will also assign reading, including Lyons et al. (2012) [an extensive review chapter on Proterozoic geobiology]. Lyons will distribute the reading assignments as PDF files before each class. On the fifth (last) day of class, students will present very brief talks on either (1) their own research as related to topics covered in the class or (2) any published journal article of their choice focused on one of the topics covered in the class or a related theme.

Lyons lecture themes: 
    (1)  Introduction: Geochemical Approaches to Oxygen in the Ancient Oceans
    (2)  The Details: Elemental and Isotopic Approaches to Ocean Paleoredox
    (3)  An Overview of Precambrian Geobiology and Biogeochemistry
(4)  Redox Evolution of Precambrian and Early Paleozoic Oceans

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