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姓名 王旭 性别:
职称 特聘副研究员 学位 博士
电话 - 传真: 010-62010846
Email: wangxu@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029
地址 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所



  • 2023.12至今   手机新2会员端,特聘副研究员
  • 2019.01-2023.12 手机新2会员端,博士后
  • 2013.09-2019.01 手机新2会员端,固体地球物理学,博士
  • 2009.09-2013.06 中国地质大学(北京),地球物理学,本科
  1. 地震数据分析与成像
  2. 壳幔结构性质与变形
  1. 苏门答腊斜向俯冲系统壳幔精细结构与物质循环, 国家重点研发计划项目, 2023-2028, 骨干成员
  2. 利用多频率远震体波振幅比约束浅层地壳速度和泊松比结构的方法研究与应用, 手机新2会员端基金青年项目, 2021-2023, 项目负责人
  3. 远震体波振幅比与接收函数联合反演方法研究及其在龙门山地区的应用, 博士后特别资助, 2021-2023, 项目负责人
  4. 利用多频率地震体波H/V振幅比研究地壳浅层速度结构, 博士后面上资助, 2019-2021, 项目负责人


  1. Wang, X., Chen, L., Wang, X., 2023. Renewed epicentral distribution of low frequency marsquakes by varying-parameter polarization analysis of InSight data. Geophysical Research Letter, 50(16), e2023GL103896.
  2. 王旭, 陈凌, 王新, 高一帆, 2023. 各向异性和倾斜界面介质中P波质点运动的理论模拟与应用, 地球物理学报, 66(12), 4900-4915.
  3. Feng, M., Chen, L., Wei, S., Wang, X., Wang, X., Wu, Z., 2023. A new method to estimate slab dip direction using receiver functions and its application in revealing slab geometry and plate boundary diffusion beneath Sumatra. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(4), e2022JB024598.


  1. Wang, X., Chen, L., Talebian, M., Ai, Y., Jiang, M., Yao, H., He, Y., Ghods, A., Sobouti, F., Wan, B., Chu, Y., Hou, G., Chen, Q.-F., Chung, S.-L., Xiao, W., Wu, F.-Y., Zhu, R., 2022. Shallow crustal response to Arabia-Eurasia convergence in northwestern Iran: constraints from multifrequency P-wave receiver functions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(9), e2022JB024515.
  2. Gao, Y., Chen, L., Talebian, M., Wu, Z., Wang, X., Lan, H., Ai, Y., Jiang, M., Hou, G., Khatib, M.M., Xiao, W.-J., Zhu, R., 2022. Nature and structural heterogeneities of the lithosphere control the continental deformation in the northeastern and eastern Iranian plateau as revealed by shear-wave splitting observations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 578, 117284.
  3. Tang, C., Chen, L., Wang, X., 2022. Shear-wave velocity structures of the shallow crust beneath the Ordos and Sichuan Basins from multi-frequency direct P-wave amplitudes in receiver functions. Science China Earth Sciences, 65(5), 810-823./汤晨晓, 陈凌, 王旭, 2022, 基于接收函数多频率直达P波振幅约束鄂尔多斯和四川盆地浅部地壳S波速度结构, 中国科学: 地球科学, 52(6), 1086-1099.
  4. Gong, C., Chen, L., Xiao, Z., Wang, X., 2022. Deep learning for quality control of receiver functions. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:921830.
  5. Lan, H., Chen, L., Chevrot, S., Talebian, M., Wang, X., Gao, Y., Zhang, J., Wu, Z., Shokati, M., Jiang, M., Ai, Y., Hou, G., Mao, M., Pham, T.-S., Xiao, W., Zhu, R., 2022. Structure of the Jaz Murian forearc basin, southeast Iran, revealed by autocorrelation and polarization analysis of teleseismic P and S waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(4), e2021JB023456.
  6. 陈凌, 王旭, 王新, 危自根, 张建勇, 2022. 接收函数界面和波速成像研究进展与展望, 地球与行星物理论评, 53(6), 680-701.


  1. Wang, X., Chen, L., Yao, H., 2021. A new body-wave amplitude ratio-based method for imaging shallow crustal structure and its application in the Sichuan Basin, southwestern China. Geophysical Research Letter, 48(18), e2021GL095186.
  2. Wu, Z., Chen, L., Talebian, M., Wang, X., Jiang, M., Ai, Y., Lan, H., Gao, Y., Khatib, M.M., Hou, G., Chung, S.-L., Liang, X., Zhao, L., Naimi-Ghassabian, N., Xiao, W., Zhu, R., 2021. Lateral structural variation of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system in the northeastern to eastern Iranian plateau and its tectonic implications. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(1), e2020JB020256.
  3. 冯铭业, 陈凌, 王旭, 韦生吉, 王新, 2021. 巽他大陆及其邻区的地壳结构及其构造意义:来自远震接收函数的约束. 地球物理学报, 64(12), 4364-4377.


  1. Chen, L., Wang, X., Liang, X., Wan, B., Liu, L., 2020. Subduction tectonics vs. Plume tectonics—Discussion on driving forces for plate motion. Science China Earth Sciences, 63(3), 315-328./陈凌, 王旭, 梁晓峰, 万博, 刘丽军, 2020, 俯冲构造vs.地幔柱构造—板块运动驱动力探讨. 中国科学: 地球科学, 50(4), 501-514.


  1. Wang, X., Chen, L., Ling, Y., Gao, Y., Zhang, J., Yao, H., 2019, A new method to constrain shallow crustal S-wave velocities based on direct P-wave amplitudes in receiver functions and its application in northeastern Tibet, Science China Earth Sciences, 62(11), 1819-1831./王旭, 陈凌, 凌媛, 高一帆, 张建勇, 姚华建. 2019. 基于接收函数直达P波振幅研究地壳浅层S波速度结构新方法及在青藏高原东北缘的应用. 中国科学: 地球科学, 49(11), 1788-1800.
  2. Gao, Y., Chen, L., Wang, X., Ai, Y., 2019, Complex Lithospheric Deformation in Eastern and Northeastern Tibet from Shear-wave Splitting Observations and its Geodynamic Implications, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(10), 10,331-10,346.
  3. Zhang, J., Chen, L., Wang, X., 2019, Crustal structure study based on principal component analysis of receiver functions, Science China Earth Sciences, 62(7), 1110-1124./张建勇, 陈凌, 王旭. 2019. 基于接收函数主成分分析法的地壳结构研究. 中国科学: 地球科学, 49(5), 822-837.


  1. Wang, X., Chen, L., Ai, Y.S., Xu, T., Jiang, M.M., Ling, Y., Gao, Y.F., 2018, Crustal structure and deformation beneath eastern and northeastern Tibet revealed by P-wave receiver functions, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 497, 69-79.
  2. 魏晓拙, 姜明明, 陈凌, 王旭, 2018. 一种基于密集线性台阵的虚拟地震测深新方法及其应用. 地球物理学进展, 33(3), 986-992.


  1. Ling, Y., Chen, L., Wei, Z.G., Jiang, M.M., Wang, X., 2017, Crustal S-velocity structure and radial anisotropy beneath the southern part of central and western North China Craton and the adjacent Qilian Orogenic Belt from ambient noise tomography, Science China Earth Science, 60(10), 1752-1768./凌媛, 陈凌, 危自根, 姜明明, 王旭, 2017, 利用噪声层析成像研究华北克拉通中-西部南段及其邻区祁连造山带地壳S波各向异性速度结构, 中国科学: 地球科学, 47(10), 1202-1219.


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