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姓名 芶盛 性别:
职称 副研究员 学位 博士
电话 - 传真: -
Email: gousheng[a]mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029
地址 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所

English地球与行星物理院重点实验室 比较行星学学科组


2011/09 - 2016/01,手机新2会员端大学,博士
2014/04 - 2015/07,法国国家科研中心天体物理与行星研究所,访问博士生
2008/09 - 2011/07,成都理工大学,硕士
2004/09 - 2008/07,成都理工大学,学士

  1. 行星遥感地质
  2. 比较行星学
  1. 手机新2会员端基金面上项目,火星克里斯平原古代水环境演变历史研究(编号:42172265),2022/01-2025/12。
  2. 国家重点研发计划子课题,火星表面水成矿物分布含量与形成环境和沉积层序构建(编号:2021YFA0716100),2022/01-2026/12。
  3. 手机新2会员端基金青年基金,火星南部高地典型流域含水矿物高光谱反演与成因机制研究(编号:41702354),2018/01-2020/12。
  1. Gou, S., Yue, Z., Di, K.*, Bugiolacchi, R., Wan, W., Yang, M., and Ye, L., Geologically old but freshly exposed rock fragments encountered by Yutu-2 rover. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2021. 126(3): e2020JE006565.
  2. Gou, S., Yue, Z., Di, K.*, Bugiolacchi, R., Zhu, M.-H., Pinet, P., and Cai, Z., Mare basalt flooding events surrounding Chang'e-4 landing site as revealed by Zhinyu crater ejecta. Icarus, 2021. 360: 114370.
  3. Gou, S., Yue, Z., Di, K.*, Cai, Z., Liu, Z., and Niu, S., Absolute model age of lunar Finsen crater and geologic implications. Icarus, 2021. 354: 114046.
  4. Gou, S., Di, K., Yue, Z.*, Liu, Z., He, Z., Xu, R., Liu, B., Peng, M., Wan, W., Wang, Y., and Liu, J., Forsteritic olivine and magnesium-rich orthopyroxene materials measured by Chang'e-4 rover. Icarus, 2020. 345: 113776.
  5. Gou, S., Yue, Z., Di, K.*, Wan, W., Liu, Z., Liu, B., Peng, M., Wang, Y., He, Z., and Xu, R., In situ spectral measurements of space weathering by Chang'e-4 rover. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020. 535: 116117.
  6. Gou, S., Yue, Z., Di, K.*, Wang, J., Wan, W., Liu, Z., Liu, B., Peng, M., Wang, Y., He, Z., and Xu, R., Impact melt breccia and surrounding regolith measured by Chang'e-4 rover. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020. 544: 116378.
  7. Gou, S., Di, K., Yue, Z.*, Liu, Z., He, Z., Xu, R., Lin, H., Liu, B., Peng, M., Wan, W., Wang, Y., and Liu, J., Lunar deep materials observed by Chang'e-4 rover. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2019. 528: 115829.
  8. Gou, S., Yue, Z., Di, K.*, and Xu, Y., Comparative study between rivers in Tarim Basin in northwest China and Evros Vallis on Mars. Icarus, 2019. 328: 127-140.
  9. Gou, S., Yue, Z., Di, K., and Liu, Z.*, A global catalogue of Ceres impact craters≥1km and preliminary analysis. Icarus, 2018. 302: 296-307.
  10. Gou, S., Yue, Z., Di, K.*, Wang, J., Mineral abundances and different levels of alteration around Mawrth Vallis, Mars. Geoscience Frontiers, 2015, 6: 741-758.
  11. 芶盛, 岳宗玉, 邸凯昌*, 牛胜利, 2022. 乌托邦平原祝融号火星车着陆区地质特征遥感分析, 遥感学报. https://doi.org/10.11834/jrs.20211403.
  12. 芶盛, 岳宗玉, 邸凯昌*, 牛胜利. 2021. 火星伊西底斯平原的壁垒撞击坑:遥感分析及环境启示意义. 遥感学报, 25(7), 1374-1384.
  13. 芶盛, 岳宗玉, 邸凯昌*, 徐懿. 2018. 火星Evros Vallis与塔里木盆地开都河流域河网形态和水文特征比较研究. 遥感学报, 22(2): 313-323.
  14. 芶盛, 岳宗玉, 邸凯昌*, 张霞. 2017. 火星表面含水矿物探测进展. 遥感学报, 21(4): 531–548.
  15. Yue, Z., Shi, K., Michael, G., Di, K., Gou, S.*, Liu, J., Niu, S., 2022. Chronology of the Basalt Units Surrounding Chang'e-4 Landing Area. Remote Sensing. 14 (1), 49.
  16. Yue, Z., Yang, M., Jia, M., Michael, G., Di, K., Gou, S.*, Liu, J., 2020. Refined model age for Orientale Basin derived from zonal crater dating of its ejecta. Icarus. 346, 113804.

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