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姓名 董亚杰 性别:
职称 特聘副研究员 学位 博士
电话 010-82998354 传真: 010-62010846
Email: dongyajie[a]mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029
地址 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所

English新生代地质与环境院重点实验室 古生态与环境考古学科组



  1. 陆生软体动物组合、多样性与古气候古生态
  2. 末次盛冰期以来气候定量化重建
  3. 全新世人类活动影响强度和过程
  1. 手机新2会员端基金面上项目“利用黄土蜗牛生物记录量化研究全新世人类活动影响过程”,2023/01-2026/12,负责人
  2. 手机新2会员端基金青年项目“黄土高原人工扰动生境中蜗牛组合特征及其对人类活动影响程度的指示”,2018/01-2020/12,负责人
  3. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助“中国北方陆生软体动物多样性分布格局及其气候控制因子”,2018/01-2020/12,负责人
  1. 手机新2会员端年度优秀成果奖(第1/共10人),2022年
  1. Dong, Y.*, Wu, N.*, Li, F., Zhang, D., Zhang, Y., Shen, C., Lu, H. The Holocene temperature conundrum answered by mollusk records from East Asia. Nature Communications, 13: 5153, 2022.
  2. Dong, Y.*, Wu, N.*, Li, F., Huang, L., Lu, H., Stenseth, N. Paleorecords reveal the increased temporal instability of species diversity under biodiversity loss. Quaternary Science Reviews, 269: 107147, 2021.
  3. Dong, Y.*, Wu, N.*, Li, F., Zhang, D., Zhang, Y., Huang, L., Chen, X., Wu, B., Lu, H. Anthropogenic modification of soil communities in northern China for at least two millennia: Evidence from a quantitative mollusk approach. Quaternary Science Reviews, 248: 106579, 2020.
  4. Dong, Y.*, Wu, N.*, Li, F., Lu, H. Coupled morphologic and demographic responses of Opeas striatissimum (Gastropoda: Subulinidae) to latest Pleistocene to early Holocene climate fluctuations. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 562: 110101, 2021.
  5. Dong, Y.*, Wu, N.*, Li, F., Lu, H. Rapid northwestward extension of the East Asian summer monsoon since the Last Deglaciation: evidence from the mollusk record. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9: 788738, 2021.
  6. Dong, Y.*, Wu, N.*, Jiang, W., Li, F., Lu, H. Cascading response of flora and terrestrial mollusks to last deglacial warming. Global Ecology and Conservation, 24: e01360, 2020.
  7. Dong, Y.*, Wu, N.*, Li, F., Chen, X., Zhang, D., Zhang, Y., Huang, L., Wu, B., Lu, H. Influence of monsoonal water-energy dynamics on terrestrial mollusk species-diversity gradients in northern China. Science of the Total Environment, 676: 206-214, 2019.
  8. Dong, Y.*, Wu, N.*, Li, F., Huang, L., Wen, W. Time-transgressive nature of the magnetic susceptibility record across the Chinese Loess Plateau at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. PLoS ONE, 10(7): 1-16, 2015.
  9. 董亚杰*, 吴乃琴. 陕西耀县全新世晚期黄土地层中煤炭颗粒记录的人类活动. 第四纪研究, 32(3): 565-566, 2012.
  10. Li, F.*, Wu, N.*, Zhang, D., Rousseau, D., Yang, Y., Hao, Q., Dong, Y., Lu, H. Glacial-interglacial evolution of seasonal cooling events documented by land-snail eggs from Chinese loess. Quaternary Science Reviews, 284: 107506, 2022.
  11. Li, F.*, Wu, N.*, Dong, Y., Zhang, D., Zhang, Y., Huang, L., Yang, Y., Xu, D., Zhang, J., Lu, H. Land-snail eggs as a proxy of abrupt climatic cooling events during the reproductive season. Science Bulletin, 66: 1274–1277, 2021.
  12. Zhang, D., Wu, N.*, Li, F., Rousseau, D., Chen, X., Dong, Y., Lu, H. Climatic structures and intensities of the last two glacials documented by terrestrial molluscs from Chinese loess sequences. Boreas, 50: 308–320, 2021.
  13. Li, H., Xu, D.*, Shen, C., Cui, A., Zuo, X., Dong, Y., Wang, C., Jing, Y., Yu, Y., Wu, N., Lu, H*. Multi-centennial climate cycles and their impact on the Tubo Dynasty in the southern Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 578: 110584, 2021.
  14. Xu, D.*, Lu, H.*, Jin, C., Gu, Z., Zuo, X., Dong, Y., Wang, C., Wang, L., Li, H., Yu, Y., Jin, Y., Wu, N. Application of multiple dating techniques to the Holocene sediments of Angrenjin Co in the southern Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Geochronology, 62: 101148, 2021.
  15. Zhang, J.*, Lu, Y., Yu, L.*, Tang, M., Huang, M., Shao, K., Huan, X., Wen, C., Dong, Y., Jiang, M., He, K., Yan, X., Ye, M., Wu, N., Lu, H. Neolithic Rice Cultivation and Consequent Landscape Changes at the Baodun Site, Southwestern China. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9: 807626, 2021.
  16. Zhang, Y., Wu, N.*, Li, F., Hao, Q., Dong, Y., Zhang, D., Lu, H. Eco-environmental changes in the Chinese Loess Plateau during low-eccentricity interglacial Marine Isotope Stage 19. Science China Earth Sciences, 63: 1408-1421, 2020.
  17. Wang, C.*, Lu, H.*, Gu, W., Wu, N., Zhang, J., Zuo, X., Li, F., Wang, D., Dong, Y., Wang, S., Liu, Y., Bao, Y., Hu, Y. The development of Yangshao agriculture and its interaction with social dynamics in the middle Yellow River region, China. The Holocene, 29(1): 173–180, 2019.
  18. Wang, C.*, Lu, H.*, Gu, W., Wu, N., Zhang, J., Zuo, X., Li, F., Wang, D., Dong, Y., Wang, S., Liu, Y., Bao, Y., Hu, Y. The spatial pattern of farming and factors influencing it during the Peiligang culture period in the middle Yellow River valley, China. Science Bulletin, 62: 1565–1568, 2017.
  19. Li, F.*, Wu, N., Rousseau, D., Dong, Y., Zhang, D., Pei, Y. Late Miocene-Pliocene paleoclimatic evolution documented by terrestrial mollusk populations in the western Chinese Loess Plateau. PLoS ONE, 9 (4): e95754, 2014.
  20. 张月婷, 吴乃琴*, 李丰江, 郝青振, 董亚杰, 张丹, 吕厚远. 低偏心率间冰期 (MIS 19) 黄土高原生态环境变化及影响机制. 中国科学: 地球科学, 50(10): 1477–1491, 2020.
  21. 杨意权*, 李丰江, 吴乃琴, 董亚杰, 张丹, 张月婷.生物卵化石研究进展简述. 地球环境学报, 11(1): 1–13, 2020.
  22. 李丰江*, 杨意权, 吴乃琴, 黄林培, 董亚杰.蜗牛卵化石在黄土高原的发现及其对季节内突变气候事件的指示. 第四纪研究, 39(4): 1068-1070, 2019.
  23. 王灿*, 吕厚远, 顾万发, 吴乃琴, 张健平, 左昕昕, 李丰江, 汪道京, 董亚杰, 汪松枝, 刘彦锋, 鲍颖建, 胡亚毅.全新世中期郑州地区古代农业的时空演变及其影响因素. 第四纪研究, 39(1): 108–122, 2019.
  24. 李丰江*, 吴乃琴, 董亚杰, 吕厚远, 陈晓云, 张丹, 张月婷, 黄林培, 伍斌.黄土高原及周边地区间齿螺(Metodontia)种类的数量分布及其温度和降水量最适范围的定量估算. 第四纪研究, 36(3): 564–574, 2016.

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