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姓名 孙春青 性别:
职称 特聘副研究员 学位 博士
电话 010-82998194 传真: 010-62010846
Email: suncq[a]mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029
地址 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所
English新生代地质与环境院重点实验室 火山作用与环境学科组

  孙春青,副研究员。1987年出生于黑龙江。2011年毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)获学士学位;2016年毕业于手机新2会员端获博士学位;2016-2019年在手机新2会员端开展博士后研究,2019年起在英国贝尔法斯特女王大学开展博士后研究,2020年起任职手机新2会员端副研究员。担任“Royal Society Open Science”期刊的Associate Editor。

  1. 火山灰年代学
  2. 火山作用与环境
  1. 手机新2会员端基金委青年项目, 41802253, 主持
  2. 博士后创新人才支持计划项目, BX201600160, 主持
  3. 支持“率先行动”中国博士后科学基金会与手机新2会员端联合资助优秀博士后项目, 2015LH001, 主持
  4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 2017M620897, 主持
  1. 2019年获得教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(排名第四)
  2. 2018年获得英国皇家学会Newton International Fellow
  3. 2018年获得Quaternary International期刊 Outstanding Reviewers
  4. 2017年获得刘东生地球科学奖学金
  5. 2016年获得手机新2会员端院长优秀奖
  6. 2014年获得博士研究生国家奖学金
  1. Sun, C., Németh, K., Zhan, T., You, H., Chu, G., Liu, J., 2019. Tephra evidence for the most recent eruption of Laoheishan volcano, Wudalianchi volcanic field, northeast China. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 383: 103-111.
  2. Sun, C., Liu, J., Xu, B., You, H., 2019. First radiocarbon dating of a Holocene eruption of the Datong volcanic field, eastern China. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 384: 275-279.
  3. Sun, C., Wang, L., Plunkett, G., You, H., Zhu, Z., Zhang, L., Zhang, B., Chu, G., Liu, J., 2018. Ash from the Changbaishan Qixiangzhan eruption: A new early Holocene marker horizon across East Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123(8): 6442-6450.
  4. Sun, C., Liu, J., You, H., Nemeth, K., 2017. Tephrostratigraphy of Changbaishan volcano, northeast China, since the mid-Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews 177: 104-119.
  5. Sun, C., Liu, Q., Wu, J., Nemeth, K., Wang, L., Zhao, Y., Chu, G., Liu, J., 2017. The first tephra evidence for a Late Glacial explosive volcanic eruption in the Arxan-Chaihe volcanic field (ACVF), northeast China. Quaternary Geochronology 40: 109-119.
  6. Sun, C., Liu, J., You, H., Chu, G., 2016. Clinopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxides for correlating the ash from Changbaishan Millennium eruption. Science China Earth Sciences 59(7): 1454-1462.
  7. Sun, C., You, H., He, H., Zhang, L., Gao, J., Guo, W., Chen, S., Mao, Q., Liu, Q., Chu, G., Liu, J., 2015. New evidence for the presence of Changbaishan Millennium eruption ash in the Longgang volcanic field, Northeast China. Gondwana Research 28(1): 52-60.
  8. Sun, C., Plunkett, G., Liu, J., Zhao, H., Sigl, M., McConnell, J., Pilcher, J., Vinther, B., Steffensen, J., Hall, V., 2014. Ash from Changbaishan Millennium eruption recorded in Greenland ice: Implications for determining the eruption's timing and impact. Geophysical Research Letters 41(2): 694-701.
  9. Sun, C., You, H., Liu, J., Li, X., Gao, J., Chen, S., 2014. Distribution, geochemistry and age of the Millennium eruptives of Changbaishan volcano, Northeast China — A review. Frontiers of Earth Science 8(2): 216-230.
  10. 孙春青,游海涛,刘嘉麒,储国强,刘强. 2016. 火山灰全岩与原位分析差异——以四海龙湾记录的1600年前金龙顶子火山喷发为例. 地球科学41(1): 97-104.
  11. 孙春青,刘嘉麒,游海涛,储国强. 2016. 利用单斜辉石和铁钛氧化物识别长白山千年大喷发火山灰. 中国科学:地球科学46(8): 1095-1105.


  1. Wu, J., Zhu, Z., Sun, C., Rioual, P., Chu, G., Liu, J., 2019. The significance of maar volcanoes for palaeoclimatic studies in China. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 383: 2-15.
  2. 韩凌飞,刘嘉麒,游海涛,朱泽阳,孙春青. 2019. 长白山千年大喷发泉阳泥炭沉积物记录. 地震地质 41(1): 225-236.
  3. 刘嘉麒,孙春青,游海涛. 2018. 全球火山灰年代学研究概述. 中国科学:地球科学 48: 1-29.
  4. Zhang, L., Liu, J., Qin, X., Mu, Y., Jin, C., Sun, C., Liu, J., Deng, C., 2018. Magnetostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental events recorded in a late Cenozoic sedimentary succession in Huaibei Plain, East China. Quaternary Science Reviews 200: 52-64
  5. Németh, K., Wu, J., Sun, C., Liu, J. 2017. Update on the volcanic geoheritage values of the Pliocene to quaternary Arxan–Chaihe volcanic field, Inner Mongolia, China. Geoheritage 9 (3): 279-297
  6. Gao, J., Liu, J., Hilton, D., Meng, F., Li, Z., Zhai, L., Sun, C., Zhang, L. 2017. The chemical and isotopic compositions of volatiles in magmatic hydrothermal fluids beneath the Songliao Basin, northeastern China. Chemical Geology 465: 11-20
  7. Zhang, L., Qin, X., Liu, J., Sun, C., Mu, Y., Gao, J., Guo, W., An, S., Lu, C., 2016. Geochemistry of sediments from the Huaibei Plain (east China): Implications for provenance, weathering, and invasion of the Yellow River into the Huaihe River. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 121: 72-83
  8. 刘嘉麒,陈双双,郭文峰,孙春青,张茂亮,郭正府. 2015. 长白山火山研究进展. 矿物岩石地球化学通报34(4): 710-723
  9. Chen, S., Liu, J., Chen, S., Guo, Z., Sun, C. 2015. Variations in the geochemical structure of the mantle wedge beneath the northeast Asian marginal region from pre-to post-opening of the Japan Sea. Lithos 224: 324-341
  10. 游海涛, 孙春青,李全林,刘嘉麒. 2015. 二龙湾玛珥湖年纹层湖泊沉积物元素的X射线荧光光谱分析. 核技术 38 (2): 20101-020101
  11. Chen, S., Liu, J., Guo, Z., Chen, S., Sun, C. 2015. Geochemical characteristics of volcanic rocks from ODP site 794, Yamato Basin, Implication for deep mantle processes of the Japan Sea. Acta Geologica Sinica 89(4): 1189-1212
  12. 李欣,刘嘉麒,孙春青,杜德道,王石. 2014. 云南腾冲全新世火山源区性质及其岩浆演化. 地震地质 36 (4): 991-1008

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