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2015-08-19 | 作者:兰州油气中心 | 【 】【打印】【关闭

  应我中心王琪、郑国东、陈国俊研究员的邀请,816-20日,日本东京大学大学院综合文化研究科(Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of TokyoMotoyuki MATSUO(松尾基之)教授、日本东邦大学生物学系医学部(Department of Biology, Faculty of Medicine,Toho UniversityKenji SUGIMORRI(杉森贤司)教授访问兰州油气资源研究中心进行学术交流活动,并于17日上午在5楼会议室分别作了学术报告。报告会由中心主任助理王琪研究员主持,中心科技人员以及博士后、研究生40余人参加报告会。 

  Motoyuki MATSUO(松尾基之)教授的报告题目为Environmental Analysis Using Distribution and Chemical States of Elements in Marine Sediments。他详细介绍了取样地点,取样工具及其过程,样品的前处理及分析测试方法,通过中子活化分析(INAA)以及化学态分析对河口和海岸沉积物中不同元素进行研究,并给出其纵向分布及富集规律,并提出高分辨率岩心取样分析(3cm-0.6cm)能够对环境起到很好的监测作用。 

  随后,Kenji SUGIMORRI(杉森贤司)教授作了题为Microorganisms living in extreme environments and their effective utilization for human health的学术报告。他详细介绍了研究工作地质背景、采样情况,分析了在各种极端环境下发育的微生物种类、数量、赋存特征,重点阐述了微生物在人类治疗皮肤病、关节炎及心血管等疾病中的应用。另外还介绍了微生物在环境污染修复及石油开采中的应用。 




  Motoyuki MATSUO教授作报告 


  Kenji SUGIMORRI教授作报告 




  Motoyuki MATSUO(松尾基之)简介: 

  Prof. Motoyuki MATSUO began his academic career as an undergraduate student at the  Department of Chemistry in the University of Tokyo. He received a Doctorate of Science from the University of Tokyo in 1983. He trained as a Ramsay Memorial Fellow at the Department of Inorganic and Structural Chemistry in the University of Leeds, England (1987–1989).  

  Prof. Matsuo’s research interests are in the environmental evaluation by the state analysis of elements. He has published 299 papers, 126 (refereed) and 173 (including ‘miscellaneous’). His attention has been paid to the chemical states of iron (oxidation states, coordination, magnetic properties, etc.), that is included in various environmental or geochemical samples. 57Fe Moessbauer spectroscopy is one of the most useful means for characterizing the chemical states of iron in a wide variety of natural samples. This technique has been employed successfully in his investigations on airborne particles and estuarine sediments, etc. X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy has also been applied to characterization of iron and other elements. The distribution and movement of elements in the environment are also studied by using high sensitivity elemental analyses such as neutron activation analysis, prompt gamma-ray analysis and ICP-OES. 


  Kenji SUGIMORRI(杉森贤司)简介: 

  Prof. Kenji SUGIMORRI graduated from Hygiene Science of Kitasato University ,profession was Virology, especially for Measles. He was in Nippon Dental University (Department of Microbiology, especially for Oral Bacteriology) for 3 years. Oral Spirochetes was his main theme. After that, he have been working in Toho University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biology, teaching Human Biology and Radiation Biology. Professor of Toho University Faculty of Medicine. The Director of the Association of Hot Spring Science Japan. 

  Prof. Sugimori’s research interests are in the microorganisms which lives in extreme environments (Hot Spring, Crater Lake, and so on).  He found a new type of bacteria from a hot spring water around 100 degree C. He had more than 100 lectures and more than 40 papers about the bacteria living in the extreme environments and their back ground (focused under the geological and immunological science) of their living. Recently Kenji SUGIMORI ’s research interest is effective method for Bathing on Natural Hot Spring Water. Italian Fango is containing with an extract, glycolipids, from thermophilic algae. Benefit use for hot spring water is as Fango Therapy, and it is so mild for body than direct use of hot spring water.  


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